Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 2

so it's official, i'm a mom! well let's say dad, even though i'm really playing sarah's role. i got the kids ready, had breakfast, put together ike's invites for his birthday party, drove em to school and now i'm at their end of school year party taking pictures.  mr mom...

it's just as cloudy and gloomy as it was yesterday if not worse.  sarah said it's been way sunny and hot.  i think she's just fibbing! look i'm a brit

i have a new found appreciation for my mom.  i love you! even though watching the kids is pretty much hell, i'm a pro.  today i cooked, cleaned, drove, disciplined, wiped, washed and still had time to watch like 3 dozen princess movies! it's all been fun and plenty worth it knowing that i'm buying my tickets through france and italy all the way to croatia.  i'm actually thinking about throwing greece and spain into the mix! sweet!

it's been rainy all day so i had to cancel my hikes, walks and bike rides that i had planned.  bummer

i just took a shower and most of the time i take 3 minute showers but today i was in no rush what so ever.  it was like the only break i had and it was AWESOME! for that reason i'm making sure that when i build my own house i make sure and include the best shower/tub money can buy! i wouldn't let my wife have kids without it!

europe is crazy! culture, people, everything! i know it's not the case but i associate the english accent with sophistication so when i talk to people i feel like they are thinking "who is this american punk?" once again i think it's all part of the european experience...

i'm buying my tickets!