Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day 1

-it's 5:30 MST, i fell asleep (because of sleep deprivation) on the picadilly line, kinda scary but woke up and all my stuff was still here.  i'm taking that as a good sign.  it smells exactly like i emagined london would smell like...
-it's a weird feeling traveling across one of the world's largest cites alone.  i have no idea where i am!?!?  ha! crazy! i've forgotten how strange it feels being so far away from home.  not that i'm already in the least bit home sick, just feeling distant and isolated but that's kinda why it's so exciting!

-so i took the wrong train and have to back rack a bit!  all part of the adventure right? i changed some money at the exchange office too.  apparently 20 US dollars is only like 9 pounds?  LAME! where did all my money go? not towards food to feed my hungry, growling belly.

-so i've been in great britain now for around 5 hours and i FINALY got a old of sarah and steve so all isn't lost.  ha! i'm starving and i can't decide if today is just a gloomy cloudy day or if i can expect this kind of weather for the duration of my stay? no wonder i'm the tannest person here! i haven't seen or felt the warmth of the sun yet!

-45 min route took about 3 hours! why? no idea!

so i'm finally "home" or what i can call home for 2 weeks.  it's so incredible.  i feel like i'm on the set of babe.  rolling grassy hills, sheep, rabbits, horses, thatched roofs, cobble stone, so foreign to me.  my life flashed before my eyes atleast 3 times as i tried to learn the ropes on the road driving on the left side.  it's pretty intense.  we spent some time on the base where i instantly felt like i was back in provo.  there i made the greatest find though.  spring fresh deodorant!  "advanced european formula with deoderm, an innovative witch hazel nut and oak derived odor blocker." ha, all natural stuff, it looks like it was made from tree sap!  well i've traveled a long way today, in and outside of great britain! i'm tired, i'm going to sew up my fanny pack and go to bed!

-oh yeah...i love izzie, aerie, ike and zoie!